
Discrete Choice Under Congestion. Work in progress with professor Debopam Bhattacharya

Labour Market Concentration and Worker Mobility: Evidence from Online Vacancies. UCL Journal of Economics 2(1), 18–25. Lue artikkeli täällä. Artikkeli voitti Stone Centerin palkinnon taloudellista eriarvoisuutta koskevasta tutkimuksesta.

The Employment Effects of Minimum Wage Across Heterogeneous Labour Markets. UCL Explore Econ Conference 2022. Lataa tästä.

Expensive Emissions: Risk-adjustment Generates High Values for the Social Cost of Carbon. UCL Explore Econ Conference 2021. Lataa juliste tästä.

Issues with digital choice architecture can lead to more inefficient competition. Laidlaw Foundation. Lue artikkeli täältä.